At Dream Makers, Final Dreams Come First.
Some Press Coverage
Fox Jump Cimematics| A Dream Come True! At the California Mid-State Fair, Landy & her family not only got to see Blake Shelton in concert, they got to go backstage and meet the man himself. These dreams give people a reprieve from their illness, something to look forward to, and something to remember. That look on her face happened because of dream makers like you.
Dignity Health | Two men battling cancer together who also share a friendly football rivalry get dream fulfilled thanks to a community of caring organizations including their Dignity Health oncologist, Dignity Health's French Hospital Medical Center, Dignity Health's President & CEO Lloyd Dean, ACI Jet and Dream Makers SLO #hellohumankindness
KSBY Interview | Dr. Ronda Beaman, Executive Director, Dream Makers SLO
KSBY | Dream Makers Interview
Dream Makers | Tony’s Dream
KSBY | Dream Makers fulfill dreams of terminally ill patients in San Luis Obispo County
100% of all donations go toward granting dreams and together, we can make dreams come true.
Whether bringing family members together for a special day, a dance with a daughter at Disneyland, fishing with grandchildren, or meeting a musical idol, these and many more dreams can become a reality because of people like you.
For donations by mail, please make your check out to Dream Makers and mail to Dream Makers San Luis Obispo.
3940 Broad Street, Suite 7-385, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.